Warm Hearts for Cold Noses

Your pets are family – we’re here
to keep them running (and barking)
as long as possible.

“I can’t control everything in my
dog’s life, but I can control what
I put in his body.”

What your dog eats can (literally) be life-changing. From keeping teeth shiny to protecting a healthy heart, a healthy diet can work wonders for dog’s of all ages.

We’ve all experienced bringing home a bag of medications after a visit to the vet. What if a simple change in diet could work to solve the same issues?

Our nutrient recommendations are designed to do just that – give you the knowledge to know what your pup needs to stay healthy. Today, and for the long road ahead.

We’re Committed To…

Empowering you with information.

Next time you’re at the park, check out the other dogs (and their owners, too 😉 ). All the pups are different, so why should they have the same diet?

We’ve worked with leading veterinarians to figure out exactly which supplements each dog needs, and the right dosages. No more guesswork – just science.

Always Exploring New

It’s no surprise that things change. When it comes to your nutrition, we’re always looking for new research and innovative ways to give your pup the best experience.

We promise that as soon as we know – you’ll know. That means adding research to our database continuously, so you can trust you’re getting only the best information about your best pal.